
Outsourcing the Mental Load at Home with Emily King of Faye

September 23, 2024

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We’ve talked in previous episodes about outsourcing work at home in ep. 29 (including emotional and even “moral” hangups about doing so) and, specifically, about hiring a house manager in ep. 52 with Kelly Hubbell of Sage House.

Today, we’re continuing this conversation with another option to help outsource more of the mental load. Emily King is the co-founder and CEO of Faye, an AI-powered platform that makes it affordable to hire a local personal assistant to help with those day-to-day, mentally exhausting tasks. Let’s dig into examples of what people outsource to Faye and how it works. 

I have no financial affiliation with and gain no benefit from sharing about Faye. I just think it’s an interesting platform that might provide you with the relief you’re looking for, so wanted to make you aware of it!

A bit more about Emily: Prior to entrepreneur life, Emily was the VP of Digital & Product at Blue Bottle Coffee, where she oversaw digital marketing, e-comm, and mobile, as well as physical product development: cafe drinks/culinary, merchandise, and all CPG. Prior to Blue Bottle, she led revenue operations and direct sales at Nextdoor; merchandising at Good Eggs; and e-comm and home services at LivingSocial. Emily started her career as a writer and editor at National Geographic, before discovering the exciting, fast-paced world of consumer tech. She currently lives in Ogden, UT, with her husband, Patten, and their 6-year-old daughter, Vivian. 

Learn more at https://www.findfaye.com/, and follow along on Instagram at @tryfaye

A full transcript will appear here within two weeks of the episode being published. 

To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here: https://kellynolan.com/reset-refresh.

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