Realistic time management strategies designed for the modern professional working woman

Join me for a no-cost, short’n’sweet program to learn actionable time management strategies to manage your time and to-do’s with less stress, more clarity, and more fun. Get a taste of the Bright Method to see if it's the right fit for you.

You in? Click here to join for free!

"I loved the program and am surprised at how much it helped me take control of my day."
– Anonymous

“I took her free [5-day] time management course a couple of weeks ago, and it was truly life-changing. I've read all the books... alllllll the books... on organization and time management. And in July, I reached a tipping point where I no longer felt like I was on top of things. I took her free course... and oh my gosh did it change my rhythm. It's like she took every book I read and put it together into one method. I'm so sold on it...”

- Anonymous

"You/your approach felt calming but real, which struck a perfect balance for me."

- K. Scharrer

what you'll learn

For five days, you’ll get short’n’sweet video lessons in your inbox that’ll walk you through practical, realistic, and game-changing time management strategies.


Lighten your mental load

On day one, I’ll walk you through how to lighten your mental load by making your invisible to-do list visible (added benefit: your plans become way more realistic!).


Let’s get intentional at work

On day two, you’ll learn about how to get more real work done during your work hours to free up your nights and weekends for the fun stuff!


Getting your to-do’s done with less stress

On day three, you’ll learn my game-changing strategy to help you get to-do’s done with less last-minute scramble (added benefit: it’ll improve your relationships with your teammates and clients).


Ready to actually unplug from work?

If you’re like past-me, you know planning is important, but don’t always know how to do it effectively. On day four, I’ll walk you through some of my specific planning strategies so you can see how you’ll get everything done over time – and still be able to take a break. As a result, you’ll get to be more present with family and friends – not distracted by zinging concerns about when you’ll get that work thing done. Sounds pretty nice, eh?


Experience the ripple effects

Up until now, I’ll have taught you parts of the tactical system I teach my clients to manage their time with more clarity and less stress. Today, I’ll show you how you can leverage this system to have a big impact in an unexpected part of your life.

You in? Click here to join for free!

“I appreciated how much substantive, real information was provided in this free course. The pace of delivery was spot-on: thorough and complete but without the usual dragging small talk that busy people don’t have time for.”

- Anonymous

“I feel that has taken me from feeling 'ok' to feeling 'awesome' in terms of mental clarity, organization, and assurance that I WILL get to everything on my to-do list.”

- Anonymous

“I have already implemented several of the principles covered and have seen major impact on how I feel… I often set myself up to be late because I think I can accomplish so much more than I can in a given amount of time. Seeing it on the calendar almost gave me permission to focus just on what was there and not stress about other things. Total game changer.”

- Anonymous

How this works

After you sign up:

+ You’ll immediately get day one’s lesson. Every day after, you’ll get an email sent to you with a link to the next lesson. By the end, you’ll have five video lessons that will walk you through practical time management strategies designed for the modern professional working woman.

+ You get access for 14 days. Why only 14 days? Well, if you’re like me, you might enroll, get all excited, but then let life derail your excitement because you can just “do it later”… but then you never do. Limiting your access to 14 days will help you get the awesome results you’re looking for!

+ That’s it. Simple. Sweet. Effective. And it doesn’t cost a thing. 

You in? Click here to join for free!

“In 15 years of reporting on productivity tools, I thought I’d tried them all... Then former litigator Kelly Nolan, a time-management strategist who works mostly with high-achieving women, surprised me with a deceptively simple system... 

“The method has solved my issues of being chronically overbooked and under-rested... One month in, I’ve found myself more likely to find time for passion projects... I’m also finding it easier to say no to work and social opportunities.” 

Bloomberg Businessweek, Article by Arianne Cohen

“Kelly’s system is the best time management system I've ever worked with. She is a wonderful teacher and coach and is a joy to work with.”

Page Ulrey, Lawyer,
Seattle, WA

Let's do this

Learn practical, realistic time management strategies designed for professional working women

Jump in for free here!

a bit more about me in case you're curious

Hey there! I’m Kelly, an attorney-turned-time management strategist & mom of two. Let’s get your life feeling less overwhelming and more simple, organized, and enjoyable.

Despite being decently organized through law school, becoming an actual attorney threw me for a loop. As a patent litigator working at a big law firm in Boston, I grew frustrated with how much time I wasted trying (and often failing) to slog through my never-ending jumble of to-do items and email. Not only that, but my confusion about how to get it all done caused me a lot of stress and a weird level of embarrassment for not knowing how to manage it all.

Over time, I created my own time/task management system and found new abilities to focus at work with less stress, be present with friends and family, and take breaks – and actually enjoy them.

I now work with women exclusively on time management so women can find clarity and confidence about how they spend their time, feel effective, drive their business/career forward, and soak in time with family and friends. My system, the Bright Method™️, has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, and my work has been published in Forbes, Fast Company, Parents, and more. Over 200 women have gone through my Bright Method 8-week program. Each of their careers, families, and preferences are different. And that’s the beauty of this method: it molds to your life. And it gets you results.

Let’s get you feeling more calm and confident about how to manage it all. And you’ll be surprised at how much fun we have in the process.

Click here to jump into the Rest & Refresh for free!