The Bright Method™ Self-Paced Time Management Course
With Kelly Nolan
Accomplish Everything on Your Plate & Go to Bed Proud of Today and Calm about Tomorrow
My effective and weirdly fun online course walks you step-by-step through The Bright Method™, my realistic time management method for bright professionals seeking bright lives.™
“Kelly’s system is the best time management system I’ve ever worked with. She is a wonderful teacher and coach and is a joy to work with.”
– Page Ulrey, Lawyer, Seattle, WA
Do you look like you have it together on the outside but feel stretched way too thin on the inside?
Is the stress of worrying you’ll drop a ball preventing you from enjoying your life or career as much as you want to?
Did you used to feel organized but now feel like the systems that served you in the past just can’t keep up with your now-more-complicated life?
As an attorney, business owner, mom of two, and NOT naturally organized person, I’ve felt it, too. Here’s what I wish someone had told me then:
It’s a system failure – not a character flaw.
You can experience less stress and more peace of mind just by changing the system you use to manage it all.
When you trade in your to-do lists, post-it notes, and phone notes apps for a simplified modern working woman’s time management method, magic happens.
You feel accomplished and go to bed proud of today and calm about tomorrow;
You feel lighter and more excited to wake up for the day; and
You actually enjoy your downtime & can be truly present with family and friends, knowing everything else will get done over time so you don’t have to do it right now.
It’s life-changing.
“This program was worth the time and money 10x over! I actually told Kelly when I signed up that I was so overwhelmed I probably couldn’t even get to the lessons and maybe I had to wait until next year when my work would calm down a bit. Oh the irony! I knew I needed it but didn’t feel I could squeeze in the time. But the difference it made in just the first two weeks brought so much stress relief that I can’t imagine NOT going through it now! For me, 2020 increased my workload and made things more stressful than ever before, and Kelly’s program really helped me get more done with less time and ease the stress along the way.”
– Dr. Chelsea Pierotti, College Instructor, Entrepreneur & Mom, Boulder, CO
“My favorite part of working through Kelly’s method is no longer having a to-do list. I didn’t realize how much it weighed on me, but knowing I have a game plan in my calendar to get it all done and have time to do it… indescribable peace.”
– Erika Sinner, Founder, Directorie, St. Louis, MO
Erika Sinner, Founder, Directorie, St. Louis, MO
“Before taking Kelly’s program, I felt heavy. I also felt inadequate given I invested in Apple to have my watch, my iPad, my mobile, my Mac all connect for calendars, access to files, reminders for meetings and even being able to reply to texts from my Mac, yet was still struggling and feeling overwhelmed. I had not realized the problem was my approach to all of it not being in one place the way Kelly’s program teaches.
After the program, I have clarity on where my time is spent and how I manage my daily life which has actually also made me more accountable in my goals. There is no more ‘where did my day go,’ but true accountability and intentional planning for how to navigate life. Kelly’s program helped me think about my life, where I want to spend my time, and helped me organize my thoughts. Plus, I loved the ‘life hacks’ I learned from the other women in the program.
My favorite part of working through Kelly’s method is no longer having a to-do list. I didn’t realize how much it weighed on me, but knowing I have a game plan in my calendar to get it all done and have time to do it… indescribable peace.
These changes have been noticeable beyond me, but also to my husband and my team; my team is now signing up for the course!
Kelly has a way about her approach that doesn’t make me feel deficient, and with an attorney background, she has full credibility behind her.
If you’re considering taking Kelly’s program, know these six weeks will change the way you navigate your life and ensure you are spending time where it’s needed while also truly understanding how to ‘self-care.’ Your MIND needs the release and the support to declutter, allowing for true creativity, time spent sparking joy, and achieving.”
Join My Self-Paced Time Management Program to Learn How to Manage Your Time with Confidence Once and For All
This online course is for action-takers who are excited to put in the work to build a system that will reduce your stress, bring you clarity, and help you design and live out a life that lights you up for decades to come.
Through this course, I’ll teach you how to apply actionable time management strategies to:
Bring all of your to-do’s and activities together visually so that you have a single, streamlined, and realistic understanding of everything on your plate and how you’ll get it done over time. As a result, you’ll feel more calm and confident, knowing you have a game plan that doesn’t require you to do it all right now.
Get clear on and protect time for your daily, weekly and monthly personal, family and professional activities so that you can free your mind from that mental load.
Break down all projects into bite-size steps so that you can build out a game plan to accomplish the project over time without the last-minute scramble and in a way that works for the other parts of your life.
Run planning sessions with personalizable step-by-step agendas so you know nothing’s falling through the cracks and you can strut into your weekend knowing you’re on top of all of your big projects and little tasks.
When all these pieces come together, you’ll have a new ability to take control of your work hours and workload, be present and relax at home, see how all your personal, family and professional activities interact, and have confidence and clarity about how you’ll get everything on your plate done.
You’ll soon be going to bed proud of today and calm about tomorrow.
“Kelly’s program was so in-depth, unique, and well-executed…”
– Danielle Boone
Danielle Boone
“After going through Kelly’s program, I feel more empowered to raise my hand and ask for help at work because I objectively know that there is too much on my plate (rather than just feeling like there is too much on my plate). I feel more confident when I have to tell people no, or move a deadline out, because I have planned what’s a priority and what isn’t…
In addition, I often find that I end up with several 30-minute windows throughout the day in between meetings. In the past, I would get to that window and not know how I could best use such a small amount of time. I couldn’t get big projects done and didn’t know which small task I should be doing at that time. I would feel overwhelmed and kind of write off those small windows, and then end up with tons of work to do at the end of the day. Now that I’m living in my calendar, I have a game plan for those small windows, and I can knock out small but important tasks (without having to spend time in the moment figuring out what to work on). It’s made me significantly more productive during the day and I am able to wrap up work earlier with less to do at night.
Additionally, through Kelly’s program, I have gotten clarity into how I really want to spend my downtime at home, and also how I don’t. I’ve been empowered to set time aside for the things I really want to do and get excited about and because it’s in my calendar, that time is protected and I don’t feel a nagging sense that I should be doing other things during that time.
I also found Kelly’s process for planning large one-off projects extremely helpful. At first, I didn’t think that would apply to a lot of my job, but just going through the process once helped me see how much I was underestimating the actual time involved in larger projects. Also, I have a tendency to just block off half a day to work on a large project, but inevitably that always gets moved and those projects that are important but not urgent never get done. Kelly’s system is immensely helpful in setting some sort of deadline and working back from that in a way that realistically will get things done.
I loved the group dynamic. The women in the group were accomplished, dynamic, and real, and I felt like we would probably be friends in real life. That made the group sessions really fun, and everyone was game to share their own struggles, challenges, and wins….
Kelly’s program was so in-depth, unique, and well-executed that it felt like it was truly worth the money spent at the end.”
This time management program is a great fit for you if:
You’re a professional, such as a doctor, lawyer, business executive, nonprofit executive, accountant, or professor;
From the outside, you may seem like you have it all together, but inside you’re not happy with how scattered and overbooked life feels; and
In terms of the logistics, you are up for managing your life in a digital calendar (my favorite is Google Calendar, but I teach Outlook and Apple calendars, too).
“Now I think that I couldn’t afford NOT to take this program. It has changed the way I looked at time and the way my mind processes it. This was a game-changer for me.”
– Monica Campbell, Attorney
Monica Campbell, Attorney
“I was a bit nervous when I joined [Kelly’s program] since I’ve done other programs and bought numerous books and watched untold number of YouTube videos on time management and made no real improvement, at least not any lasting changes.
Now I think that I couldn’t afford NOT to take this program. It has changed the way I looked at time and the way my mind processes it. This was a game-changer for me.
I am now much more hopeful and a lot calmer. I don’t feel like I’m juggling all these balls in the air and possibly forgetting something anymore. I feel much more confident because I have a definite structure to keep track of things, and I can see where I before set myself up to fail.”
“This is the most practical, realistic time management program I’ve seen—and I am a huge productivity nerd and thought I’d seen it all! Well worth the time and money.”
– Vivian Kimball, Project Manager, Jamaica Plain, MA
How does this program work?
Here’s what’s included:
Video Lessons That Walk You Step-by-Step Through The Bright Method™ & How to Get Clarity and Control Over Your Time & To-Do’s
When you enroll, you get all video lessons at once. If you approach the program by going through one module a week (and there are four modules), the lessons and implementation require about 3-5 hours of your time each week. Since they’re on-demand in your program portal, you can work through them whenever it works for you.
You’ll have access to the videos for one year, so if life happens, no worries! You can catch up at your own pace.
The Option to Purchase Additional One-On-One Time with Me So We Can Address Your New System Thoroughly & Privately
Note that there is no email support offered as part of this program, which in part accounts for the discounted price of the program.
However, while I don’t believe it’s necessary, some people like the option of working with me one-on-one in addition to the program. During those 1-2 hour-long sessions, I can remote into your computer to help you tailor your system to meet your specific needs so you can quickly get back to rocking your life with a whole new level of clarity and confidence.
“Before taking Kelly’s program, I felt like I must be a failure for not being able to get everything done… I now have so much more clarity and confidence. I no longer blame myself for struggling to complete more tasks than reasonably fit into a given day… I am also enjoying the time I have blocked away for downtime and fun with less guilt.”
– Dr. Marytery Fajardo, Physician, Miami, FL
Marytery Fajardo, Physician, Miami, FL
“Before taking Kelly’s group program, I felt like I must be a failure for not being able to get everything done… I now have so much more clarity and confidence. I no longer blame myself for struggling to complete more tasks than reasonably fit into a given day… I am also enjoying the time I have blocked away for downtime and fun with less guilt.
My biggest win is getting my already very supportive husband to sit and review my calendar with me and realize where he could help to watch our son more to give me more time… I feel like [Kelly’s method] equips him to be an even better partner.
If you’re considering Kelly’s program, you should not hesitate and sign up! Kelly has so many tips and resources to share. I have been talking to lots of people about her program, and I think their lives would be better if they took Kelly’s course!”
You have two ways to get started:
pay in full
Monthly (2 pay)
$400 x 2
Skeptical about time management? I get it. I’ve been there, too. That’s why I offer this guarantee: If you’re unhappy with the course after 14 days, just email su*****@ke********.com within 24 hours, and we’ll refund your full investment – no questions asked. I’m confident in this program, and I want you to be as well.
Read what clients before you have said…
“Investing in Kelly’s program was a no-brainer. There is really no way to put a price tag on getting rid of that daily anxiety of feeling like I was always behind on something.”
– Tessa Mitchell, Special Education Administrator
Tessa Mitchell, Special Education Administrator
“Before Kelly’s program, I felt completely overwhelmed at work and at home! I’d tried different to-do lists, Post-its, notepads, digital…. none worked! At work, I didn’t know how to best schedule my days to protect ‘focus time’; I didn’t even know I needed ‘focus time’!
After Kelly’s program, I am so much more confident at work. I am better able to schedule meaningful time with other team members to work on projects/tasks that we need to do together…
I loved the whole program – I can’t pick a favorite part. I love that it was pseudo self-paced; the videos made learning the techie stuff simple; the worksheets made objectively judging my workload much easier; Kelly was always accessible and supportive; and the group discussions each Friday became a highlight of my week! I appreciated the feedback from the other women in the group. And honestly, I loved being surrounded by my peers – by the end, I felt that we all grew together as women who totally rock it in their tough careers, but just needed a system to make our whole lives less stressful and more balanced and enjoyable!
Kelly is super approachable and genuine! She provides scaffolds and support throughout the program so anyone can access the material. And she somehow created this incredible venue for all of us to share our struggles, ask tough questions and most importantly, celebrate our wins. In our first Zoom meeting, I remember that one of the women was admittedly ‘out of her element’ in a group of women discussing challenges at work and in her personal life. Over time, even she felt comfortable opening up. It is my opinion that Kelly fostered an environment where we could all be ourselves and grow with confidence!
As evidenced by my feedback thus far, I absolutely LOVED the group dynamic. As a young professional looking to grow my family, it gave me an opportunity to work with women who have tried it all and learn from their missteps in time management. The group dynamic also held me more accountable! I am someone who can fall behind and cram material in, but I wanted to make sure I did all that I could before our meeting so that I could meaningfully contribute to the discussion and ask relevant questions.
If you are considering the course, you must be in need of some time management skill-building. If you miss out, you will waste more of your time being stressed and insecure about your schedule, workload and personal tasks. Just do the work and your quality of life WILL improve, even before the program ends…
[T]these results were definitely worth the time investment. I tend to be a workaholic, and (prior to the course) my weekends were spent cleaning, grocery shopping, meal prepping, etc. I found it exciting to make time for Kelly’s program, and it felt awesome to do something for myself!
Investing in Kelly’s program was a no-brainer. There is really no way to put a price tag on getting rid of that daily anxiety of feeling like I was always behind on something.”
“After Kelly’s program, I feel like I finally have a realistic idea of all the things I need to get done and a system to track things that’s simple enough that I’ll actually stick with it… Kelly really understands the pain points of trying to balance different roles, and of trying to manage the influx of ‘stuff’ that happens on a daily basis. Kelly teaches a system that’s easy but captures everything and puts it into a realistic context.”
– Nicole Cohen, Associate IT Director, Mount Sinai Health System, NY, NY
Nicole Cohen, Associate IT Director, Mount Sinai Health System, NY, NY
“I used to feel overwhelmed and like I didn’t have a clear picture of everything on my plate, which made it difficult to communicate my needs to anyone who could potentially help me. I’d tried the Getting Things Done method, every task manager out there, no task manager at all, paper…everything!
After Kelly’s program, I feel like I finally have a realistic idea of all the things I need to get done and a system to track things that’s simple enough that I’ll actually stick with it.
For the first time, I feel truly able to quantify my workload and needs to the people in my world who can help, from my boss to my husband!
Additionally, Kelly’s systematic approach to stepping out larger projects/preps/etc. has been enormously helpful.
I really feel like Kelly understands the competing demands of being a working mom, and that she’s developed a clear system to wrangle both personal and professional. Despite working in technology and being a proud early adopter, I also love that Kelly’s system doesn’t require anything more complicated than a good calendar app.
I really enjoyed the group format because I loved hearing what other women were going through and getting their suggestions and feedback.
I’ve been telling everyone that Kelly really understands the pain points of trying to balance different roles, and of trying to manage the influx of “stuff” that happens on a daily basis. Kelly teaches a system that’s easy but captures everything and puts it into a realistic context.
This program was 100% worth the time investment. I really looked forward to the meetings and to my weekend time watching the videos and getting my life under control.
It was also 100% worth the financial investment. I hesitated a little at first because I’ve been guilty of signing up for online courses and not seeing them through, but the accountability of the group structure and the value of the course material kept me engaged and I got so much out of this.”
“Working with Kelly was such an amazing experience! I knew that time management… was something I REALLY needed to work on, especially as my business grew and more tasks and projects arise, but I honestly was nervous about the idea of it all. Kelly really helped to ease my anxiety around it and has made my scheduling and time management process SO much easier and better!”
– Rhea Reid, CEO, Rhea Whitney Photography & Photobomb Academy
Rhea Reid, CEO, Rhea Whitney Photography and Photobomb Academy
“Working with Kelly was such an amazing experience!
I knew that time management… was something I REALLY needed to work on, especially as my business grew and more tasks and projects arise, but I honestly was nervous about the idea of it all. Kelly really helped to ease my anxiety around it and has made my scheduling and time management process SO much easier and better!
I feel a new sense of ease as I look at my week and month and plan out my projects, and I now have a new system I can implement day by day as it relates to projects, meetings, and tasks that need to get done. I feel so productive and confident in my scheduling!!
Thank you Kelly for helping me get clearer on my time management and calendar blocking! I can finally check off the to-do list and incorporate what you taught me seamlessly into my life!!”
“Before working with Kelly, I felt overwhelmed. Now […] I have more clarity. I’m ACTUALLY planning because I’m associating a time with a task and being realistic about what I can accomplish, so I feel better about myself instead of beating myself up.
The financial and time investments are worth it. Investing time on the front end really helps save time later. If you’re considering taking one of Kelly’s programs, just do it and commit to it.”
– Laura, Attorney, Tennessee
“If you’re considering joining…, DO IT! It’s 100% worth every penny. This method has been life-changing for me and worth the time and the money to invest.”
– Alyssa Diaz, Actress, Los Angeles
Alyssa Diaz, Actress, Los Angeles
“Before working with Kelly, I’d forget appointments and lots of things would fall through the cracks. I was using planners and felt like a mess and like I was all over the place.
I now feel way better. After going through the program, I feel so much more organized, and I don’t feel like I am missing anything. I have such a better handle on my time and don’t feel overwhelmed or unproductive. I feel like I have attained a nice balance.
Kelly’s process for learning how to break down big projects into bite size pieces and approach to pushing back things that aren’t a priority were both super helpful. Also, having everything in one place is so helpful. I actually enjoy using my calendar and this whole process.
In terms of the program itself, I love how we did the weekly check ins. It helped me hold myself accountable. Breaking down all the videos into segments was great too. The fact that Kelly uses this system herself made the whole experience even more helpful.
I love the group dynamic. It’s lovely to see women from all different types of professions doing their best to manage their time. We are all busy, but it was nice to feel a part of a community of women who were bettering themselves. It made me feel not so alone!
If you’re considering joining Kelly’s group program, DO IT! It’s 100% worth every penny. This method has been life changing for me and worth the time and the money to invest.
The time investment was completely worth it. Time is money, and if I’m not using my time well, I’m wasting money.”
Hi! I’m Kelly.
Let’s get your life feeling less overwhelming and more simple, organized, and enjoyable.
I’m NOT naturally organized, so I get how overwhelm happens and feels. As a patent litigator working at a big law firm, I grew frustrated with how much time I wasted trying (and often failing) to slog through my never-ending jumble of to-do items and email. Not only that, but my confusion about how to get it all done caused me a ton of stress and a weird level of embarrassment for not knowing how to manage it all.
Through research and experience, I found clarity about how to make the most of my time, a new ability to focus and be present with friends and family, and an ability to actually enjoy my downtime.
I now work with professionals exclusively on time management so people just like you can find clarity and confidence about how they spend their time, feel effective, drive their business/career forward, and soak in time with family and friends.
I’m originally from Minneapolis, grew up abroad moving every six months to three years, and went to college and law school on the East Coast at Dartmouth College and Boston College Law School. I’m from all over and love meeting new people.
I now live in California with my husband (an emergency room physician – so I get weird schedules!), almost-three-year-old daughter, and our original baby, the world’s sweetest black lab, Olive.
Let’s hang out and get your life organized. And you’ll be surprised at how much fun we have in the process.