3 Reasons to Ditch Your to Do List – Arika Pierce

Kelly Nolan Time Management Coach

Welcome! Download your free guide of three things to calendar right now to help reduce your stress!

Thanks for joining my workshop with the wonderful Arika Pierce! Fill out the information below to get my free guide on three things you can calendar today to help you reduce your stress and get more clarity.



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Business Owner Time Management Erika Sinner

“My favorite part of working through Kelly’s method is no longer having a to-do list. I didn’t realize how much it weighed on me, but knowing I have a game plan in my calendar to get it all done and have time to do it… indescribable peace.”

     – Erika Sinner, Founder, Directorie, St. Louis, MO


“Kelly really understands the pain points of trying to balance different roles, and of trying to manage the influx of ‘stuff’ that happens on a daily basis. Kelly teaches a system that’s easy but captures everything and puts it into a realistic context.”

     – Nicole Cohen, Associate IT Director, Mount Sinai Health System, NY, NY


“Now I think that I couldn’t afford NOT to take [Kelly’s] program. It has changed the way I looked at time and the way my mind processes it. This was a game-changer for me. I am now much more hopeful and a lot calmer.”

     – Monica Campbell, Attorney

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Monica Campbell, Attorney

“I was a bit nervous when I joined [Kelly’s program] since I’ve done other programs and bought numerous books and watched untold number of YouTube videos on time management and made no real improvement, at least not any lasting changes.

Now I think that I couldn’t afford NOT to take this program. It has changed the way I looked at time and the way my mind processes it. This was a game-changer for me.

I am now much more hopeful and a lot calmer. I don’t feel like I’m juggling all these balls in the air and possibly forgetting something anymore. I feel much more confident because I have a definite structure to keep track of things, and I can see where I before set myself up to fail.”


Ready for more clarity and less stress? Let’s get you that free guide now.