We’re coming up on a year of living in Minnesota. It’s wild to me that not even a year ago, palm trees greeted me when I looked up from the sink in San Diego – and now… a cozy, snowy landscape.
When most people hear that we opted to move from San Diego to MN, we get a raised-eyebrow- “what?” look. And I get it…
But man, it’s been such a wonderful move.
I get random 15-minute swinging-by-to-drop-something-off moments with my parents. The other day, my mom swung by to drop off clothes my 4yo had left in her car – and I got to play the kid card and have her drive me into town, getting a random, special 10-minute visit with her before jumping out to have dinner with a high school friend.
I get to see my sisters more. They don’t live here, but whenever they visit for a wedding or just because, I’m here and get to see them.
And see that toy car in the yard (that I need to move into the garage)? It was mine when I was a kid. My kids play in it with my parents, who played in it with me.
I’m just so happy. In that solid, contented kind of way.
My point is not: everyone move home.
My point is: Listen to what YOU want. Even when other people don’t get it.
As corny as it sounds, life is so short. If you’ve lost someone – particularly someone too soon, you know this.
Listen to yourself (not what most people think brings happiness) – and then start taking steps (even baby steps) toward the life you’re craving. And you know me, use that calendar to protect time to take those steps so you bring it all to life.