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Commutes & Non-Commutes: Transitioning from Home to Work and Back

Listen on Apple or Spotify Someone asked me on Instagram to address commutes from a time management perspective. So, let’s dig into some strategies for traditional commutes & non-commutes for the days you WFH. — Full Transcript Ep 53. Commutes & Non-Commutes: Transitioning from Home to Work and Back [Upbeat Intro Music] Kelly Nolan: Welcome to The Bright […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify Listen to at least the first five minutes before you decide whether or not this episode is for you. And I’d love to hear your feedback.  Resources mentioned: A full transcript of this episode is available on my website about two weeks after the episode is published. To find it, click here and then select […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify I recently had this breakthrough that’s been very empowering and practically helpful, so I figured I’d share it here with you.  —To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here: To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here: I also share actionable bite-sized […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify I personally find it fascinating to hear what people are saying “no” to and why. In addition, hearing examples helps normalize saying no and sparks ideas for what others might say no to – all of which helps us manage our workload and life so that we have energy and time for the […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify I keep seeing a theme in my time management work I want to talk about – the Vacuum Effect. Let’s dig into it. —To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here: To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here: Full Transcript  Episode […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify If you’re ready for a digital spring clean (think: email, calendar, phone), jump into my free 5-day digital spring clean email series here! Over the course of five days (starting when you sign up!), you’ll get one digital spring clean tip emailed to you that you can act on right away to get […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify Email can be a huge time management pain point for some of us. Let’s go over three strategies we can use to help alleviate that pain. — I also share actionable bite-sized time management strategies on Instagram at Come hang out with me there! Full Transcript  Episode 47. Email [Upbeat Intro Music] Kelly […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify In my most recent 8-week Bright Method program, during one of the corporate breakout sessions, work travel came up – specifically, how to leverage the Bright Method when you travel for work frequently. It was a great example of how we can use Bright Method strategies in a specific scenario to bring more […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify A woman emailed me asking me about having the self-discipline to do the task you calendared when the time rolls around. Let’s discuss! Resources mentioned: To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here: Full Transcript  Episode 45. Motivation [Upbeat Intro Music] Kelly Nolan: Welcome to The Bright Method Podcast […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify Time management is incredibly personal, and not everyone wants to go all in on a digital calendar(s) like I teach. Because of that, I’m thrilled to have Dr. Sarah Hart-Unger on the podcast to discuss how she manages her life with a paper planner. We also discuss planning privilege and digital detoxing. Enjoy! […]

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Realistic time management designed for professional working women

I'm a former big law attorney who got overwhelmed as a first year and slowly pieced together a time/task management system that actually reduced my stressed, helped me stay on top of it all (and know it), feel confident drawing boundaries, and soak in time with my family and friends. I'd love to get you there, too.

More about me here 


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