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For Working Parents: Things to Calendar Now to Make the Summer Transition Smoother

Pull out your calendar, go step-by-step with me for each week of the summer, and reap the benefits all summer long. Less scramble. More clarity. More fun. Let’s go. Pickups & Dropoffs For each week this summer (especially if they change because of camps), calendar blocks of time for morning dropoffs/commutes and the reverse for […]

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If you use Outlook for work and Google or Apple calendars to manage your personal life, you know it can be a headache to sync them, see them together, and/or manage them to ensure balls aren’t dropped, double-bookings don’t happen, and it all runs smoothly. Candidly, it’s my least favorite part of the Bright Method […]

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One thing I don’t talk enough about is the importance of our physical environment when we’re trying to get stuff done. Whether you work in an office, at home, or both, our surroundings can make or break our ability to focus. So, below, I’ll share some of my work environment strategies and then tips that […]

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Someone reached out to me and asked for any recommendations I had for a career coach/consultant-type person who could help with the decision to leave law and find a new career. I didn’t have anyone particular in mind, so I asked people on Instagram if they had any recommendations. Specifically, I asked: “Someone I know […]

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Over the years, I’ve worked with many women with ADHD (many of whom were recently diagnosed) and some who suspected they had ADHD. And from that experience, a few things have become clear to me. For clarity’s sake, I have no special training or education in relation to ADHD. All of this is based on […]

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Recently, we crowdsourced insights into whether to change jobs while trying to have a baby, and wow, when we crowdsource intel, we crowdsource solid, smart intel. I’m so impressed by and grateful for everyone’s thoughtfulness and willingness to share. Truly, thank you. Reminder: We crowdsource topics where there’s no right or wrong answer – they’re incredibly […]

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I’m a huge advocate of taking action on issues you care about and someone who wants all of us to enjoy our lives as much as we can – no matter the circumstances. So, let’s talk about some practical strategies to do that.

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Want to help Future You have a wonderful summer next year? You likely learned lessons this summer about what worked for you and what didn’t – even if you (understandably) haven’t thought the lessons through. Before we forget the lessons, let’s capture them – and remind Future Us of them around when we’ll start planning next summer. […]

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We’re heading into sick kid season, so let’s talk about what to do with a young sick kid when you have to work. Last year, in the middle of post-holidays sick-kid season, I asked people in my community on Instagram and email list for tips. Here they finally are in article format! Things to do […]

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Last fall, on my way home from a trip to Scotland, I crowdsourced travel tips from the smart women I get to hang out with on Instagram, and here (finally!) are the amazing results.

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Realistic time management designed for professional working women

I'm a former big law attorney who got overwhelmed as a first year and slowly pieced together a time/task management system that actually reduced my stressed, helped me stay on top of it all (and know it), feel confident drawing boundaries, and soak in time with my family and friends. I'd love to get you there, too.

More about me here 


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