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3 Practical Strategies for Maintaining Your Sanity Right Now

I’m a huge advocate of taking action on issues you care about and someone who wants all of us to enjoy our lives as much as we can – no matter the circumstances.

So, to that end, here are three strategies to help you maintain your sanity in this whiplash-whirlwind of a world right now.

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Welcome! We're all about realistic time management designed for professional working women here in this little pocket of the internet. I'm glad you're here.

“The more you confront the facts [that time is finite] – and work with them, rather than against them – the more productive, meaningful, ad joyful life becomes… I’m aware of no other time management technique that’s half as effective as just facing the way things are.” — Oliver Burkeman

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Computer with coffee and notebook

I love team sports and thought of the partners and associates I worked with in big law as my case “teams.” But this concept of taking on more and more work to be a “team player” has gotten warped…

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When I was practicing law, bonuses were dangled as incentives to bill more hours. And they were hard to resist…

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Ah, moving. With two kids. And a dog. Across state lines. And then, five months later, from a rental into a house we bought. While I’m not a moving expert, I’m now very experienced.

Here’re some strategies that made my life easier if you’re going through it.

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I grew up as one of three and LOVED it. I’ve, therefore, thought I wanted three kids most of my life.

But, now that I’ve had two kids, I just don’t want the realities of a third. I don’t want to be pregnant again. I don’t want to worry about a pregnancy and delivering again. I want my body back – and I want to keep it. I want to be able to enjoy financial freedom without worrying about providing for another daycare, school, college education, etc. I want to travel again and for it to actually be fun.

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In my early days practicing law, I’d be drowning in work. “How could they expect this of me?!,” I’d fume…

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I am terrible at creative names for things. Despite business mentors telling me I needed a catchy name, the first 5-ish times I ran my group program, I called it “my group program.”

And even once I started using The Bright Method™, I still referred to the program as the group program.

BUT I’ve made the decision to go all in on The Bright Method™.

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“Maybe life’s more about carving out happy chapters than finding a single happy ending.” – Sophie Cousens

That line in a book by the wonderful @sophie_cousens stopped me in my tracks.

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Stop telling women to rest because they “can’t pour from an empty cup” or because “they need to put their oxygen mask on first before helping others.”

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Realistic time management designed for professional working women

I'm a former big law attorney who got overwhelmed as a first year and slowly pieced together a time/task management system that actually reduced my stressed, helped me stay on top of it all (and know it), feel confident drawing boundaries, and soak in time with my family and friends. I'd love to get you there, too.

More about me here 


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