free 5-day email program

the digital
spring clean

from Kelly Nolan,
Attorney-turned-Time Management Strategist

sign up here:

from Kelly Nolan,
Attorney-turned-Time Management Strategist

You ready?

While I love a good traditional spring clean, I also crave the "fresh air" in my digital life – from my email to my calendar to my phone. So, let's do that!

Sign up to get five days of email sent to your inbox with practical strategies you can take that day to spring clean your digital life. 

That's it. Simple. Effective. And fun!

sign up here:

a bit about me in case you're curious

Hey there! I’m Kelly, an attorney-turned-time management strategist & mom of two. Let’s get your life feeling less overwhelming and more simple, organized, and enjoyable.

Despite being decently organized through law school, becoming an actual attorney threw me for a loop. As a patent litigator working at a big law firm in Boston, I grew frustrated with how much time I wasted trying (and often failing) to slog through my never-ending jumble of to-do items and email. Not only that, but my confusion about how to get it all done caused me a lot of stress and a weird level of embarrassment for not knowing how to manage it all.

Over time, I created my own time/task management system and found new abilities to focus at work with less stress, be present with friends and family, and take breaks – and actually enjoy them. And I kept practicing law. It wasn't until years later that I realized others felt like I had. 

So, I now teach women this system, the Bright Method™️, so we all can find clarity and confidence about how we spend our time, feel effective, drive our business/career forward, and soak in time with family and friends. The Bright Method has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, and my work has been published in Forbes, Fast Company, Parents, and more. Over 250 women have gone through my Bright Method 8-week program. Each of their careers, families, and preferences are different. And that’s the beauty of this method: it molds to your life. And it gets you results.

Let’s get you feeling more calm and confident about how to manage it all. And you’ll be surprised at how much fun we have in the process.

Sign up for the digital spring clean here: