
The Single Most Important Concept I Can Teach You

February 18, 2021

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Welcome! We're all about realistic time management designed for professional working women here in this little pocket of the internet. I'm glad you're here.

Here’s THE single most important concept that will help you manage everything on your plate with more clarity and calm:

Everything we do requires time. And that time comes out of the same place: the awake minutes that make up our day.

This is obvious, right?

So, shouldn’t the system we use for managing all of those things reflect that principle?

Shouldn’t it account for the fact that all of those things need to fit together in those awake minutes of time?


But our traditional ways of managing our events and to-do’s don’t.

We’ve traditionally organized those things in multiple places – events go in our calendar and to-do’s go on a to-do list (or many to-do lists), post-it notes, perhaps a task management app, and a lot, A LOT of to-do’s live only in our head.

This prevents us from having one clear view of all the things on our plate – and how we’re going to do all of those things using our single bank of time.

Instead, when we consistently try to figure out what we should do next, we have to look in multiple places and figure out how it all fits together using a lot of mental gymnastics and memorization.

That process is unnecessarily complicated, stressful, and requires a lot of brainpower (and all before we even start work on the task itself).

In addition, without a clear understanding of how we’ll get it all done over time, we struggle to know IF we can get it all done, which prevents us from being able to truly relax when we have free time.

Instead, I want you to imagine what it would feel like if all the things you have to do lived in one place and you could see how they’d get done using your single bank of time.

Wouldn’t it bring you more clarity?

Wouldn’t your brain feel a whole lot lighter?

Wouldn’t you be able to breathe a little easier knowing it can all get done over time – even when you take a break tonight?

Yes. Yes. And YES.

And THAT’s what my method does.

If this is clicking and you want to learn my method and walk away with a whole new level of clarity and calm, check out my six-week time management program by clicking here. I’d love to see you in there, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

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