
You Can Be Productive AND Overwhelmed

April 22, 2021

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Welcome! We're all about realistic time management designed for professional working women here in this little pocket of the internet. I'm glad you're here.

When I describe what I do, I almost always avoid the word “productivity.”

Productivity conjures up images of go-go-going and getting stuff done.

Often people think productivity is the opposite of overwhelmed. “If I can just become productive, I won’t feel this way.”

I don’t think so. Productive people can still struggle to turn it off, relax, and know when to say no. They can still feel overwhelmed.

I think the opposite of overwhelmed is having confident peace of mind – confident peace of mind you can get it all done over time and be able to relax.

Yes, I help women become more productive. I help them move the ball forward on the stuff that matters and feel accomplished at the end of the day.

BUT we also work on helping you be able to turn off “productive mode” to be truly present with loved ones and actually relax on your own.

We help you better understand your capacity and workload so that you can say no to new work/opportunities – with confidence this time.

We focus on getting you to a place where you can just generally enjoy your life more.

When we work together, you’ll hear me say too many times, “I’m not interested in turning you into a productive machine.” (Often with awkward robot-like hand motions – I can’t help it.)

Our goals are broader – and more powerful. And more fun.

If you’d like to learn how to become more productive AND be able to turn it off, be present with loved ones, have confidence saying no to more work, lighten your mental load, and just generally enjoy life more…

I’d love to have you join my next six-week time management program. Enrollment closes FRIDAY.

Check out the program here to enroll. AND you can use the code EMPOWERED to save $300!

I’m an open book – so don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. I hope to see you in there!

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