If I asked you to prioritize three things but didn’t tell you what steps each required or how much time they’d take – well, you’re already frustrated by the question, right? I am.
If you don’t have one place where you can see everything on your plate in a visual, clear way, that’s basically what you’re doing to yourself every day.
To be able to prioritize anything effectively, you need to understand what you’re prioritizing.
And having to juggle to-do lists where 5-minute tasks look the same as 2-hour tasks, post-it notes, calendar entries and notes on phone apps – no. Just no. Not effective, efficient or calming.
This is why I love time-blocking in Google Calendar. For your competing priorities, block time in your calendar for how long they’ll take. Break them up into bite-size blocks of time sprinkled over multiple days if necessary. Overestimate and build in wiggle room.
And then drag and drop the blocks around in your week until the results work for you.
Now you have a clear game plan for how you’ll hit all your priorities over the week (or longer) – even though you can’t get it all done right this second.
Once you have your game plan, that stress decreases by mucho.
I help women establish that game plan in my time management program, so if that would be helpful to you, check it out!