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Rethinking being a “team player”

Computer with coffee and notebook

June 7, 2022

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Welcome! We're all about realistic time management designed for professional working women here in this little pocket of the internet. I'm glad you're here.

Many of us say “yes” at work so that we are / are seen as a “team player.”

I love team sports and thought of the partners and associates I worked with in big law as my case “teams.”

But this concept of taking on more and more work to be a “team player” has gotten warped – by our work culture and even in our own heads.

So, some things to consider…

1. Being a team player means taking on your fair share… of a fair share.

If you push back on taking your fair share of an unfair and unrealistic amount of work for your team, that does not mean you are not a team player. It just means you know your limits and your team’s limits.

It’s a workload problem – it has nothing to do with whether you’re a team player.

A great team player can say “no.”

2. The Admin Stuff

Are team players being asked to take on similar tasks / tasks that make sense for different roles?

Or are you being asked to take on note-taking and more administrative stuff when the men on you team are not?

If admin-y tasks aren’t being shared across all team players regardless of gender, then it’s completely fair to push back and say something like, “Oh – I took notes last time. James – can you do it this time?”

3. Great team players can still demand great leadership

Great leaders encourage realistic workloads & protect you from unrealistic demands.

if your leader isn’t doing that, you can push back to protect yourself and your team – which actually makes you a g eat team player.

And if they don’t change, go find another leader. Even the best team players can’t save a woefully mismanaged team.

You can be a great team player and stand up for yourself and your team.

If you catch someone telling you to do something to be a “team player” (even yourself), challenge whether that’s actually the issue at play.

Don’t let a warped, overreaching manipulation of “being a team player” trick you into not standing up for yourself and burning out.

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