
Let’s Make Your Calendar Carry Your Mental Load

May 18, 2021

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Welcome! We're all about realistic time management designed for professional working women here in this little pocket of the internet. I'm glad you're here.

Last week, in my current time management program, we dug into managing the personal and family life stuff.

One woman commented that my strategy of putting everything in you calendar (with tech strategies to make it less overwhelming) felt silly/anal at first…

BUT that getting it all out of her head and protecting time for all the things… well, the result was “freeing.”

In her words, “I’ll let my calendar carry that burden instead of me.”

EXACTLY. (Cue my happy dance.)

When you work with me, you’ll end up with a far more “cluttered” calendar than what you likely walked in with.

But you leave with a far less cluttered, more free mind.

In my awesome client’s words, you let the calendar carry the burden of managing life for you – not your mind.

If you want to get your mind feeling more “free” and life running more smoothly, plus learn my tech strategies to make a “cluttered” calendar more easy-to-manage and supercharge your communication with your home teammates, my LAST PROGRAM OF 2021 is now open for enrollment.

The program will run from June 25 – July 30. While I know the summer timing may seem weird at first, if you work in one of those places where work slows down in the summer, it may be the perfect timing for you. If you want to take advantage of that lull to revamp your time management system to lighten your mental load before a busy fall, join me!

You can learn more, read about past members’ results, and enroll via by clicking here.

After this June-July program, my next one won’t run until 2022, so… if you’ve been curious for a while, join me for this last one!

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