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So thrilled to be published in Parents!

What an honor to get published in @parents!

As any parent knows, Parents is an incredible resource to get parenting advice – from timeless issues like navigating challenging kid behavior to timely issues like navigating post-vaccine life with unvaccinated kids.

I’m thrilled to get to contribute with what I love to nerd out on – time management strategies. If you want to read about how to manage all the parenting logistics with less stress, you can find the article here.

Happy reading, and feel free to share with any parent friends who you think may enjoy it!

And thank you, Parents, for the opportunity to help more moms and dads manage it all with less stress!

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Welcome! We're all about realistic time management designed for professional working women here in this little pocket of the internet. I'm glad you're here.

On a MN summer night when I was in high school, I sat on my front steps staring up at the sky with a friend.

We could see what felt like all of the stars in the universe.

“I love this,” I said, mesmerized out of trying to sound cool like I probably often did as a high school kid. “I feel so small.”

He agreed, but, interestingly, didn’t like it – it made him feel helpless.

For me, feeling that small felt FREEING.

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Gearing up for some spring cleaning? While we normally think of spring cleaning the physical stuff, taking control of that to-do list clutter can bring a whole new level of fresh air and mental freedom to your brain and life.

Curious if you have to-do list clutter?

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Alright – quick email tip for those of us who have a tendency to think we need to respond to email quickly at the expense of focusing on real work:

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When I was leaving my Boston firm, a partner took me out to coffee and gave me this advice:

“You can live a great and happy life making a lot less money than we do here. You just have to plan for it.”

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Many of us – particularly women – feel a sense of obligation and loyalty to our employer.

While that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it does become harmful when we stay longer than we should or keep our mouths shut when the workload becomes unreasonable out of a sense of loyalty.

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When we’re drowning at work, a lot of people will tell you to “just ask for help” or “say no to new work.”

Sounds easy enough. WEIRDLY hard to do though, right?

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“I should be able to do all of this.”

I hear some version from this from many clients.

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San Diego was the last place I wanted to move.

I know, I know… people think I’m nuts.

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Here’s the simple beauty of using a calendar to manage everything on your plate:

It becomes pretty obvious pretty quickly when you’re trying to do too much.

On the flip side, when you use to-do lists, post-it notes, phone notes apps, and email to manage your to-do’s – well, it’s weirdly easy to think you can “just squeeze something in.”

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Want to learn the full Bright Method, a system designed for working women that reduces stress and ups your peace of mind when it comes to managing it all (personal and professional)?

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Spending too much time in your email inbox? You’re not alone. Check out my short’n’sweet, self-paced email management course to help you reclaim control over your inbox.


Realistic time management designed for professional working women

I'm a former big law attorney who got overwhelmed as a first year and slowly pieced together a time/task management system that actually reduced my stressed, helped me stay on top of it all (and know it), feel confident drawing boundaries, and soak in time with my family and friends. I'd love to get you there, too.

More about me here 


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