Managing To-Do's

Productivity Changes With Your Season of Life

November 19, 2019

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Welcome! We're all about realistic time management designed for professional working women here in this little pocket of the internet. I'm glad you're here.

What 2-hour period of the day do you get your best work done?

For me, it’s 5-7am. Pre-kids, I used to get that window all the time. Pregnancy and then a kiddo under 1.5 years old made me have to adapt because … there was no way.

For a while, that “works best” window was forced into nap-times and post-bedtime. And anytime-I-got-a-sitter-time.

But now that H is a sleeping champ (hilarious if you knew how terribly she slept for the first 10 months), I’m reclaiming my favorite work hours. I brew coffee. Cuddle up on the couch with my laptop and Olive. And I enjoy focusing on my work while the house is asleep. And I rest into that warm, squeezy-happy feeling. Weird? Maybe. Awesome? Oh, most definitely.

Life happens in phases. When you can get work done best changes with those phases. That’s why there’s no “right way” to manage your time. It’s different for every person and every phase of life.

We cover other time management strategies like this in my program for professional women. If you enjoy this kind of thing, you can check it out here!

So, right now, in the phase of life you’re in, when do you most enjoy immersing yourself in your work?

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