
Tried Time-Blocking Before & It Didn’t Work? Understandable AND Don’t Give Up On It

September 25, 2023

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Many of my clients have tried time-blocking before finding success with the Bright Method. Let’s discuss:

  • Some of the top mistakes people understandably make when trying out time-blocking;
  • Why those mistakes do NOT mean there’s anything wrong with you or time-blocking; and
  • How to still get the benefits of time-blocking while avoid those mistakes.

To learn more about and sign up for the Bright Method 8-week program, click here: https://kellynolan.com/the-bright-method-time-management-course-with-kelly-nolan.

Full Transcript

Episode 22. Tried Time-Blocking Before & It Didn’t Work? Understandable AND Don’t Give Up On It

[Upbeat Intro Music]

Kelly Nolan: Welcome to The Bright Method Podcast where we’ll discuss practical time management strategies designed for the professional working woman. I’m Kelly Nolan, a former patent litigator who now works with women to set up The Bright Method in their lives. The Bright Method is a realistic time management system that helps you manage it all, personally and professionally. Let’s get you falling asleep proud of what you got done today and calm about what’s on tap tomorrow. All right, let’s dig in!


Hey! All right! So today we’re gonna talk about time-blocking, which I know we essentially have been talking about until now. But what I really want to talk about is a lot of the women I work with have tried time-blocking in the past, and they just struggle to make it work for them in a very understandable way because, I don’t know what it is, but I really believe that we for some reason think time management should be natural and easy.

And so, when people throw out concepts about time management like, “Just time-block,” or “Just delegate,” or “Just batch,” or whatever it is, the combination of how people talk about it in those positions, which drives me bonkers, and our own inherent belief that time management should be easy for some reason combines to make us think that the concept should be easy, and then we struggle to implement it, so we blame the concept and think it’s just not a good fit for us. When, in reality, as with everything time management, this stuff is harder than we talk about. It’s still worth it. It still can become easier for you, but initially, it’s harder than we give credit for.

I really encourage you to still play through the pain with smart strategies that we’re gonna talk about today because it’s so, so valuable. The benefits are incredible, but it’s hard, as with any skill. It’s hard to do, and so, I just want to encourage you to play through it. Then I also want to give you some strategies and just kind of lay some flags for you to understand how to avoid the mistakes that you might be tempted to understandably make because no one shows us how to do this stuff. [Laughs] So let’s dig into that today!

Time-Blocking – 2:11

So, before we dig into it, though, let’s just take a step back and really establish what is time-blocking so that we’re all on the same page because I think it covers a lot of things. When I talk about time-blocking, in short as a basic concept, all it is is putting an entry in your calendar for when you’re going to do an activity or a task. And so, essentially, it’s not just using your calendar, as we have historically been taught to do, of just events go in there, just things you do with other people go in there. But in addition to that, you’re also putting in the activities that you’re going to do. People can do this for varying degrees.

For some people, you might just use your calendar for all of your events, but then you’ll occasionally throw something in your calendar like, “Call that doctor at this time.” But for the most part, your events live in your calendar. You have to-do lists or other things that are capturing the to-dos. Then occasionally, you’ll put a task in your calendar. Then, on the other end of it, you can have people who, like me, calendar absolutely everything in their life. Time blocking as a concept sounds simple enough, but it is surprising how unwieldy it can get quickly.

So, without the real guidance, when people just flippantly throw it out there and you try it, what happens is it can become very overwhelming. It really clutters up your calendar in a big way. And so, that’s just really overwhelming. It can also become very defeating where you’re like, “Ugh, I did not realize how long this thing took, I did not block enough time for it, and now the rest of my plan — there’s a domino effect going on in my day that none of this is gonna work anymore.” It’s incredibly defeating. And it’s also really frustrating because you lay out this beautiful plan, you have high hopes for it, and then a curveball hits, and suddenly you’re moving everything around, and it’s just frustrating. I want you to know that I’ve experienced all of that. I very much did, especially in the beginning. I stuck with it because I was catching glimmers of its value, but that doesn’t mean it was a fun place to be. It is a process to get there.

So what I want to do today, though, is help you get through that process a little quicker than I did. And if I can help give you more of the support to help you get through that process a lot faster than I did, I would be happy to. More importantly for today, the bigger takeaway I want you to hear today is if you have tried time-blocking before in the past and it did not work for you, there is nothing wrong with you. There is also nothing wrong with time-blocking. We just need more clarity about how to time-block in a way that works for you and your life and your industry and your family.

I truly, truly believe in the benefits of this. I think when you combine a solid time-management strategy within a system and other smart strategies like planning and other things that we talk about, I really believe in the value of it. I’ve had a client who said, “I didn’t realize how much I carried a to-do list with me. But knowing it’s all on the calendar and I have time for it — indescribable peace.” That’s what I want for you. It’s funny how much I talk about calendars and things like that but, at the end of the day, it’s how you feel that matters, and that’s the feeling I want to get for you: more peace of mind, less stress, knowing you’re on top of it, seeing how it all comes together, being able to take a break. All of that is so worth it, and I really believe that, for a lot of us (not everybody) the bridge to getting there is through time-blocking with these smart strategies. Let’s dig into mistakes to avoid so we can get you there.

Time-Blocking Mistake #1: Giving Up When Underestimating How Long Things Take – 5:42

So we kind of touched on that a little bit, but one thing I really want you to hear is that every single person who starts time-blocking quickly realizes one thing: things take a lot longer than we realize. That is incredibly frustrating, as we’ve talked about.

So you plan out this awesome day, but then you can’t keep up with it because half of the things take 100% longer time than you thought, if not more, and it’s incredibly frustrating. While there are strategies I teach to help alleviate the pain of this issue, the important thing I want you to hear today is this: time-blocking is likely the first time you are tying a task to time, and the amount of time you think it’ll take, in a concrete way. Just like anything else, do not expect to be a pro, all-star, amazing at this when you start off. You will get better at it over time. But I really don’t want you to give up through it because giving up deprives you of those results we were talking about.

Essentially, giving up is being like, “I’m not great at knowing how long things take,” or “I don’t like knowing how long things take, so I’m just gonna go back to living in denial.” That’s essentially what we do when we give up when we’re just too frustrated by this issue. That approach likely explains prior frustration and defeat that you’re already feeling using your current system because the to-do list also has those pitfalls. When you use a to-do list or something like it, you’re living in denial of that, of, “How long is this going to take? Does it fit with everything else I need to do today?” all of that kind of stuff.

It’s understandable. I’m not blaming you. I have been there. I fully understand it. But it’s not a smart approach if you’re looking to feel more on top of it, feel more in control, feel like you understand what’s on your plate, how it’s gonna get done, how you’re gonna take breaks, how you’re gonna be present with family, with loved ones while you’re juggling all of this. If those are your goals, living in denial of how long things take is not going to get you there. Instead, if you stick with it and hone that skill and create a realistic game plan, that’s how you’re gonna get those benefits. Because when you learn how long things take and you can plan more realistically so that what you’re putting on your plate each day is realistic because you understand how long things take, that’s how you go to bed feeling accomplished at night. That’s how you feel more confident that you’ll be able to get things done tomorrow. That’s just a way less stressed-out place to live.

And so, that’s really point one is the mistake is giving up when you inevitably underestimate how long things take. What I’d like you to do is play through it, know that there are strategies we teach, but truly more embrace the reality of how long things take. Don’t live in denial. This is an area that I really believe that ignorance is not bliss. [Laughs] It explains a lot of the overwhelm that we’re already feeling. So you’re kind of exchanging overwhelm from the unknown with frustration from the known, but the more you can embrace it and play through it, the closer you’ll get to that clarity and awareness and ownership of your time.

Time-Blocking Mistake #2: You Start Out by Calendaring Your To-Do List – 8:54

This is super common and makes total sense. You hear about time-blocking and most people talk about time-blocking in the context of a to-do list, like you take the things on your to-do list, and you put them in your calendar. And so, you think, “Okay, let’s do this!” and you get out your to-do list and start putting things in your calendar. Then it’s a disaster because nothing goes to plan. You don’t get half the things done, and you’ve just thrown in the towel on this whole process which, again, completely understand.

But here’s the thing, and we’ve talked about this before. Your totally understandable approach has not accounted for all the things that you already have to do that are not on that to-do list. This is the importance of calendaring that invisible to-do list that we’ve talked about in prior episodes, things like making meals, answering email, the drive to that event, the drive home, taking your dog out, putting kids to bed, relaxing with your partner, doing the fun things. All of those things take up time and a lot of it. If they’re not already in your plan, then your wide-open day in your calendar looks completely wide open because you haven’t made all of those invisible to-dos visual in your calendar.

So if you imagine a blank calendar, it looks like you have eight hours of free time to do whatever you want with, so you just take your to-do list and plot it all out in there and fill all of those eight hours. But in reality, you had three hours of other things you had to do, and those aren’t in there, but suddenly you’ve effectively calendared 11 hours of things for an 8-hour window, and everything blows up. It is very, very understandable, but the place we need to start is not with your to-do list but with that invisible to-do list. That we’ve talked about in past episodes, but I really want you to hear that.

It’s a very understandable thing to do because that’s basically how people talk about it. But the mistake is taking a to-do list and putting that in your calendar versus first taking a step back and saying, “Let me lay out all the things that aren’t even on this to-do list that I have to do every single day, and make sure that baseline works first, and then let me plug in my to-do list (the one-off things) into the actual capacity that I have for those things.” That will set you up for a much more realistic game plan and help you have time-blocking actually serve you by helping you create that realistic game plan.

That is very much the approach that we take inside The Bright Method. We first start with the tech setup. Then we dig into the personal invisible to-dos, then we dig into the work to-dos, and then we turn to the to-do list. It’s really hard. Even within the program people want to jump to that, and I completely get it, but we’ve got to do things in order so that you build out that realistic game plan.

Time-Blocking Mistake #3: Not Blocking Time for the Fun Stuff – 11:45

I’m not gonna spend a ton of time on this. I think that, if anything, it’s almost thrown about too easily like, “Just block time for selfcare, and then you can have your break,” and I think it’s a lot harder than that. I think we need to have the clarity of how we are gonna get everything else done later. Can it all get done and still work, and then we can take a break and enjoy it? I mean, I wish we didn’t, but for me at least, and a lot of the people I work with, that is the situation.

But it still doesn’t detract from the utility of actually calendaring the fun stuff. I think when we are trying to deal with time management, our brains immediately go to the work stuff, kid stuff (if you have them), life logistics, all of that. So we fill up our days and weeks with the productive stuff, and at first it feels pretty cool because you’re getting so much done, but then you can start getting pretty tired. And so, we really need to also calendar time for the fun stuff.

Just to clarify, I don’t just mean white space in your calendar. In past episodes I’ve talked about that but leaving white space in your calendar is pretty much a recipe for giving away all that “free time” to other people, and then you’re left with nothing or maybe just some small, very tired dregs of your time for that kind of stuff. So really getting specific here in how you want to use your time and blocking time for the fun stuff, so just making sure that you do that. I know that can feel weird to do. It kind of feels like it’s converting fun stuff into things you need to do, but as we’ve talked about, try and reject that in your head and more shift to, “I’m shifting how I view a calendar. It’s not just things I have to do anymore. I’m using it as a tool to design a life I’m excited to live and that will help me live it out and bring that to life.” That’s kind of the shift that I think is important to make there.

Time-Blocking Mistake #4: Believing You Must Follow Time Blocks Rigidly For This to Work – 13:34

These are, again, understandable. These are all understandable mistakes. There are people out there who say put it in your calendar and then live and die by your calendar or else you don’t have discipline and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I’m not one of those people. I think that also there are some people who feel like if I put it in my calendar, it’s gonna feel rigid or sterile or less spontaneous. Again, I reject that as well, but I also understand where that feeling is coming from. I just want to reject it from my own experience.

What’s really strange is that after using this system for years, I find that it gives me more freedom to be spontaneous or take a day off and actually enjoy it because when everything’s in my calendar and I move things around just as I would without this system, I can see when it will still work, which often it does, and suddenly, I just have a new game plan. It’s kind of neutral. I had one game plan, I moved things around, and now I have another game plan. It still works, but now this new game plan gives me the ability to just really take a break or do something else and actually enjoy it with the clarity that the new game plan allows me to still get it done.

It’s more of a neutral event instead of, in the past at least for me, I’d be like, “I don’t feel like doing that, so I’m not gonna do it. I’m gonna try to take a nap,” but I had this low-grade anxiety the whole nap or the whole break or whatever it is and this guilt of, “I should have been doing that thing,” or “Will I still be able to get it done?” and just not being able to enjoy my plan. So even though I felt “more spontaneous” because I wasn’t moving blocks around in this structured way, it didn’t feel good. I still had this anxiety/guilt feeling around it. Whereas, when I can get the clarity that time-blocking gives me and just move things around, it really allows me to actually enjoy the new plan.

I’m saying that because the mistake is thinking that time-blocking and having all of this structure will hamper your ability to have freedom. It’s just strange. It’s the opposite, and I can’t really explain why. But that’s been the experience in my past, and it’s definitely something that clients pick up on as well as they learn the system. So the real takeaway on this point is time-blocking doesn’t have to be rigid. It can be very flexible, and it provides a weird amount of freedom and a surprising amount of freedom to move your plans around because it’s more of a neutral event.

What I think it comes back to is there are people who teach time-blocking who, again, are like, “Put it in your calendar and live with discipline and rigidity within that calendar,” and if that works, great. But for me it never would work, and it would never stick with me for long. The reason that I teach, in The Bright Method, to put it all in your calendar is not for that rigidity, but it’s to just, one, get it all out of your head; two, to bring it all together. From the to-do list, the post-it notes, the email inbox, your head, all the places that these action items live, bring them together into one place, so if we can see them all together, we can see what’s realistic to try and do in a day. We can see how they interact in terms of energy and things like that. That’s why we’re doing this, and that still allows for spontaneity and freedom and moving things around, and it still allows you to do that without having to move things around and memorize a new game plan in your head. Instead, you just move it around in your calendar, and now you have a neutral new plan you get to play out.

So I hope that that makes sense for ya. It’s a really kind of surprising element of it. It’s strange how something that looks so structured and more rigid in your calendar, to me, has provided a lot more freedom and lightness in my life. So I can’t really explain it. Just know that’s been my experience, at least.

Time-Blocking Mistake #5: Trying to Time-Block in a Paper Calendar – 17:28

This is something I’m not gonna talk very much about because we did a recent episode on this. I’m not gonna dig into this a lot but, as you know, I love paper. This is no knock on paper calendars or anything like that. I just think that if you are into trying time-blocking and into getting all of it out of your head and all of what we talked about today, trying to do that all in a paper planner is way too time consuming and ends up being a mess. Digital calendars just really help you time-block in a more efficient way because of all of the repeating things. There are tech strategies we can use to allow you to filter what you see at any given time and just make it more manageable.

So that’s just really it. This short and sweet one is the mistake is trying to time-block in a paper calendar, and the solution here is really moving to that digital calendar and going all in on that. There is a whole episode on why paper-planner lovers should check out a digital calendar, so I won’t go into all of that, but just know that that is available to you. I think it’s one or two episodes back, and I’ll link it in the show notes.

Time-Blocking Mistake #6: You Are Time-Blocking Too Broadly – 18:33

Again, this is such an understandable one. What I mean by this is — I’m just gonna use an attorney example from my attorney days — let’s pretend you have to draft a brief, and you’re like, “Yeah, I think that’ll take me ten hours.” So you pick five, two-hour windows, and you title it “Draft XYZ Brief,” and you’re done. You’ve time-blocked, right? Yeah, kind of. You know, you have, and that’s great! It’s definitely better than just putting “Draft XYZ Brief” on your to-do list. You have some hours protected to do it, so that’s great. But you’re still gonna probably end up with a last-minute scramble and a lot of stress in the process. And so, let’s talk about why.

I just want you to imagine future you sitting down to work on the brief, and you’re just not really sure what to do. It takes you five, ten, fifteen, twenty minutes to figure out what are you doing each time you sit down to chip away at this brief. If, instead, you created the game plan on the frontend and then calendared those bite-sized steps, future you could sit down and just run with it. It would take you more frontend work (probably 20/30 minutes on the frontend), but then each time you sit down from then on out, you just get to run with it when you sit down.

In addition, we are terrible, as we’ve talked about, at estimating how long things take. So this definitely happened to me in the past. This is why I’m using these examples. But you’ve calendared ten hours of time. Great. But if you break it down into all the bite-sized steps — which I know I’ve broken down on a past episode, but I’ll quickly do a quick synopsis.

So let’s pretend you have this brief. That means you have to read the opening brief. You have to pull the case aside in it. You have to read those cases. You have to do legal research on those cases. You have to kind of outline where you want to go. You have to do your own legal research on those things that you’re gonna argue. You might have to draft declarations or exhibits and get client input and talk to partners about this and get their edits done. And so, you’re editing and giving it to your partner, and they might be editing, or if you’re the partner you’re not doing that, but maybe you send it to the client. They’re editing. There are a lot of, then, dependencies there. All of these bite-sized steps that go into this. Then polishing, actually filing it, serving it, all of that kind of stuff.

When you break down all of those steps, and then you estimate how long each of those things are going to take, we are better at estimating smaller bite-sized steps. And so, when you break it down to that level, then you add up all those, you can be like, “Oh, this actually is gonna take me more like 30 hours,” and that is a very great thing to realize on the outset. Again, frustrating, but very helpful because now, instead of just blocking 10 hours before the deadline, you’re blocking 30 hours and also thinking through the dependencies that are gonna have to have time to breathe in that process.

That is a really, really critical part of this that is one of the tricker parts of time-blocking. I mean, it makes common sense, but it takes time to do. It takes practice to get to do it. It’s not super easy. It’s not quick. It’s not easy. And so, we kind of resist it. For some reason, I think when time management strategists or coaches or experts or whoever they are talk about time management, they know their audience is tight on time and burned out, whatever the audience is. And so, to cater to them and make it sound appealing, they make it sound quick and easy, like, “Oh, you just do this and it’s fine.” And it’s to get their initial buy in, but to me it doesn’t allow for long term success. If anything, I think it drives me bonkers because then you feel like there’s something wrong with you when you go implement. Essentially, this was past me. I was like, “Well, they talked about it as if it were so easy, and I’m not finding it very easy, so it’s gotta be me.” That just drives me bonkers because it’s not the case at all. I work with such smart women, and this stuff is hard even for very, very smart women. And so, I just want you to hear that.

I know I’m off on a little bit of a tangent, but this part of the mistake being that you’re time-blocking too broadly and what it takes to time-block more specifically and the time that can take and the thought it can take and the need to take a step back and break all that down and then put it in your calendar, it’s harder than we want it to be. It’s more time consuming than we want it to be. But it’s that frontend frustration and that frontend work that leads to, man, everyday you’ll get the benefit of doing this type of stuff. So a bit of a tangent, but that’s the solution.

It might be a trickier solution, and you might need more support in that. I teach a six-step process inside of The Bright Method to help you do that. It’s so valuable. It’s so, so, so valuable. I think it’s probably the thing I hear most from clients saying it’s just been enormously helpful for them. And so, just know that there is that support if you need it, and I share it, one, because that’s my business and I really believe in this stuff, but because it’s just such a valuable point of this that a lot of people are not slowing down to teach or think through or give respect to how much time it takes, but the benefits are so massive. I guess I just really believe in it, and I want you to give it a shake so that you get those benefits in your life as well.

Along those lines, a client said, “The systemic approach to stepping out larger projects has been enormously helpful. For the first time, I feel truly able to quantify my workload and needs to the people in my world who can help, from my boss to my husband.”

I’ve even had people talk about drafting briefs in this way, and it’s been the least stressed out they’ve ever been as an attorney, and it helped them show up better in court. It helped them feel more confident, and then they won that brief, which, obviously, you can’t win every brief and every motion and every hearing. But I really believe that when we feel solid in our work product and we’re comfortable showing up for ourselves at work, it obviously does lead to better results. Anyway, I’m just rambling now. But I really, really believe in this stuff, and I want you to get that benefit as well.

Time-Blocking Mistake #7: Not Time-Blocking Everything – 24:40

Obviously, again, this can be easier said than done because it’s very overwhelming to put everything in your calendar, but the reason I think that it’s critical to talk about is this. Some people are like, “I tried time-blocking. I put something in my calendar. But when the time rolled around, I just didn’t do it.” Reading between the lines, there’s this level of either, “Time blocking doesn’t work for me,” or “I don’t have the discipline to do it. There’s something wrong with me that my calendar tells me to do it, and I didn’t do it.” What I want you to hear is if you are not calendaring everything, and by everything I mean 95% or more of everything in your life, it’s very understandable to me that you did not play through that thing because you could not trust that that was the most important thing for you to be doing.

Essentially what happens is you see that “Task A” in your calendar, but you also have, let’s say, a long to-do list on paper next to you, post-it notes all over your computer, maybe something written on your hand like I used to do, you have a bursting email inbox with all of these things. And so, suddenly, you roll up to this thing that you put on your calendar two days ago to do, and  you’re like, “But what if it’s not the most important thing? What if all of those things on my to-do list or in my inbox or on these post-it notes are more important than this thing?” They might be. That’s the thing. They really might be. And so, it’s actually understandable and smart of you not to necessarily do the thing you calendared to do because not everything was in there.

I want you to flip that with the idea of what if all the tasks on your to-do lists, the post-it notes, the email, all that kind of stuff, what if those things were also in your calendar in protected time-blocks in the future, so that everything that you need to do was in your calendar in the future, and you can rest assured, “Okay, I know I have all these other things to do, but I have time protected in my calendar in the future that allows me to get them done in time,” what shift does that make to your ability to do the thing in your calendar?

That’s why calendaring everything is so important because you’ve got to be able to trust your calendar and know, “Okay, everything in here does work. I don’t need to do all the things right now. I have time protected for them in the future, so I really can focus on this one thing that I’m working on right now.” If you have things that come to mind that aren’t in your calendar, you can just write them down and know that you can bridge them into your calendar later.

So just know that, I mean, this is a very realistic approach. Obviously, there are gonna be things that we’re like, “Ah! I have to do that thing, and I forgot, and it’s not in my calendar. I know it’s not anywhere else.” We talk about that within the program. Know that’s a reality. But for the purposes of today, the mistake is not calendaring everything and because of that we can’t trust the system and because of that, you might not have been able to follow through with time-blocking in the past in a very actually understandable and smart way. And so, I just wanted to help you understand that distinction but also encourage you not to rule out time-blocking. There are approaches that can still give you all the benefits we’ve talked about in a smarter way, in a more understandable way that helps you.

Time-Blocking Mistake #8: Time-Blocking Without a Larger System – 28:01

This kind of draws on a lot of what we talked about today in this episode. So I get it, but I just really want to emphasize this. The mistake I see if you take time-blocking as the strategy and try to implement it alone as the only strategy you’re gonna use to try and get clarity in your life, and while I love time-blocking, and you could do everything we’ve talked about to date to it and you will get benefit from it, I still feel like you could end up with an overwhelming mess of a calendar.

You also could end up with this feeling of you’re always living in the weeds. You don’t see the bigger picture because, while I love time-blocking and that it helps you execute all day long, you’re not necessarily looking up and seeing, “What are all my projects? Am I covering everything?” I guess what it comes down to is time-blocking only works so well as everything makes it into the calendar. You need to be able to have the planning strategy to, at least once a week, look up and be like, “What are all my projects? What are all the things I need to do? Let me check my email inbox. Let me bridge all these places where action items are coming at me from and then plot out that realistic game plan and make those prioritizing decisions and just, as I said, kind of look up and get that bigger picture before you put your head back down and keep working for the rest of the week.

And so, there are things like that, like planning and broader strategies of when do you want focused time, what’s your energy, and matchmaking tasks. There are so many other things that also complement time management so well that are very necessary as part of that. And so, you need a broader system that’s helping you time-block in an effective way that allows you to still get these other benefits because I don’t want you having that overwhelming mess of a calendar. I don’t want you living in the weeds and being kind of unsure and unnerved whether you’re hitting everything, like, “Is everything in this calendar? I’m not sure!” or letting things fall through the cracks because things didn’t make it into the calendar, or you blew by an entry, and you didn’t get through there. These are all the types of things that, in addition to the awesome power of time-blocking, you need other strategies to help support you and make sure that the downfalls of time-blocking are also being addressed.

The Bright Method System – 30:24

That is really what The Bright Method is. I know that sounds weird. If you can find another system that helps you with time-blocking, go for it. I’m not trying to be like, “And therefore, you must sign up for The Bright Method!” [Laughs] I just very much believe in this program because it’s just the result of a lot of years of tinkering with this stuff, figuring it out in the law firm setting, figuring it out with kids, figuring it out in all these different scenarios that I’ve picked up on where my pain points are along the way and created strategies to address them.

Same with clients. I learn from clients. What’s working, what’s not, and how do we address those in a smart, practical, efficient way that helps you use and leverage your calendar so effectively and then get out there and enjoy life and enjoy accomplishing and enjoy all the things that we like to be doing.

So if you are interested in jumping into The Bright Method, I think when this episode comes out, doors are closing very soon! We kick things off on September 28th! You need to be in there before then. Reach out to me. I would love to see you in there. If you want to check it out, it’s at www.kellynolan.com/bright (as in The Bright Method). You can jump in at that link. You can learn all about it. But if you have any questions, let me know! This method truly has been life changing for me. So many clients mention how life changing it is for them. I really want to get you those results as well. It is very practical.

If you like what you hear you just want help implementing, you want my help making sure it works for you and your life and how it changes and all of that, I just encourage you to sign up. It’s so, so worth it. As one client said, simply and succinctly: “I’m no longer overwhelmed, so I can enjoy each part of my day.” I love that. I just want you to be able to enjoy work when you’re there. I think so many of us love our jobs. I want you to be able to enjoy being at home when you’re there, but to do it all in a very practical, realistic way.

So if you want that support as you implement this stuff that sounds easy enough but is not, and there’s nothing wrong with you if you’ve struggled with it in the past, please join me in The Bright Method program. I really love this stuff. I would love to get you these results, and I hope to see you in there! Join me!

[Upbeat Outro Music]

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