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Goli Kalkhoran of Lessons from a Quitter & Resisting the Desire to be the “Perfect Employee”

Listen on Apple or Spotify Too often, we women struggle to say no at work to keep our workload reasonable and maintain boundaries because we want to be a “good employee,” which many of us subconsciously believe means we need to be the “perfect employee.” As a result, we say yes to things we don’t want to do, […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify If you’re like me, making a mistake can wash you in shame and derail you for a period of time. Let’s talk about some guiding principles that have helped me, including advice I’ve received from others and ways I’ve used the Bright Method to help me get out of that mistake shame spiral. […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify Without any scientific data to back me up, I believe kids push parents into traditional gender norms (at least in same-sex couples) because of legitimate (though frustrating) biological reasons during that first year with a baby. Because of that, kid (and home) labor gets unevenly distributed to women, and this pattern of the […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify Hi there! Hopefully this is the last episode with bad sound quality. (Reminder: I’m in a rental and had to switch up my sound set-up in the move – and apparently did not do well). I tried to fix it once I realized it (we’ll see how I did next episode), but I’d […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify Just a heads up that the sound quality is worse. We’re in a rental now, and I need to figure out the recording quality again. Thanks for sticking with me through it! Turning to the substance, we all know the election is this year. Before it consumes us whole, let’s talk about some […]

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Pull out your calendar, go step-by-step with me for each week of the summer, and reap the benefits all summer long. Less scramble. More clarity. More fun. Let’s go. Pickups & Dropoffs For each week this summer (especially if they change because of camps), calendar blocks of time for morning dropoffs/commutes and the reverse for […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify Many of us (myself included) have deep loyalty to many in our lives, and sometimes, it causes us to make decisions about work that are different than what we want or tolerate situations at work much longer than makes us happy.  My dad gave me incredibly useful advice on this front when I […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify American culture is fixated on DOING – and those of us in it struggle to stop the doing to plan and prioritize. This quote caught my attention on that front: “You waste years by not being able to waste hours.” The quote is by Amos Tversky and doesn’t relate to planning, but it […]

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If you use Outlook for work and Google or Apple calendars to manage your personal life, you know it can be a headache to sync them, see them together, and/or manage them to ensure balls aren’t dropped, double-bookings don’t happen, and it all runs smoothly. Candidly, it’s my least favorite part of the Bright Method […]

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Listen on Apple or Spotify For people with ever-different schedules, from ER physicians and nurses to pilots, this episode is for you!  —To take my free 5-day program, the Reset and Refresh, click here: Full Transcript Ep 54. Ever-Changing Schedules [Upbeat Intro Music] Kelly Nolan: Welcome to The Bright Method Podcast where we’ll discuss practical time management strategies […]

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Realistic time management designed for professional working women

I'm a former big law attorney who got overwhelmed as a first year and slowly pieced together a time/task management system that actually reduced my stressed, helped me stay on top of it all (and know it), feel confident drawing boundaries, and soak in time with my family and friends. I'd love to get you there, too.

More about me here 


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