Two weeks ago, a prospective client said, “I’ve tried time-blocking before, and it didn’t work. How is your method different?” Man oh man, do I get it…
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Let’s make your life less stressful through the nerdy power of time management
When we’re pulled in so many directions every day, it’s just hard to take in information and details. Harder still to retain them.⠀
If in the midst of managing the dozens of tasks you have for the day at work, you’re also asking your brain to remember when you need to stop work to take care of the kids, when you need to start cooking dinner, when you’ll get back to that one work task tonight, when you’ll relax (can you even relax tonight?), when you’ll call your mom back, … well, it’s just too much.⠀
It’s not going to work. And it can be overwhelming. And it takes up way too much of your brain space.⠀
If you want some help transitioning from trying to manage it all in your head (perhaps with the help of a sea of to-do lists and post-it notes – which still require a lot of your brain to make it happen), I’m here. I’d love to help.⠀
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It’s no surprise your middle-school system can’t keep up with you now-much-more-complicated modern working woman life.
And without an effective system, you’re left to juggle and manage it all in your head.
In short, if you feel overwhelmed (all the time or just once a week or so), it’s NOT your fault – but it is your system’s.
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A secret trick for creativity, breakthroughs and success: ⠀
Cut it out with the self-judgment.⠀
I used to constantly put myself down for forgetting people’s birthdays, scrambling to meet work deadlines, neglecting my home life for work, and on and on.⠀
At a certain point, I decided to just stop with the whole “what is WRONG with me?!” self-talk – and figure it out.⠀
“It is what it is. I can’t rely on my brain to remember/manage all this stuff. So how do I still get it done?”⠀
That’s when the magic happened.⠀
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While most productivity people out there recommend Sundays or Monday mornings… I’m a huge believer in planning on Fridays. There’s just something so awesome about walking into your weekend knowing you’re on top of everything on your plate, nothing fell through the cracks, and that you have a realistic game plan to get it all […]
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“Draw boundaries.”⠀
When we say we’re too busy at work, we hear that a lot. ⠀
But how do you know WHEN to draw boundaries? How do you know when to decline more work? How do you know when to ask for an extension on an assignment?⠀
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2.6 hours every day.⠀
That’s how long the average American spends on email, according to McKinsey.⠀
But very few of us account for that when planning our days.⠀
Instead, many of us book ourselves up with meetings, calls and plans to grind through our to-do lists. ⠀
But then the to-do list gets bumped by the emails zinging into our inbox, which seem urgent. ⠀
So, we end our day having done a lot in terms of meetings, calls and emails – but not the real, focused work.⠀
And that real, focused work gets pushed into night and weekends.
No bueno.
Here are some tips:⠀
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So, color-coding your calendar is basically the same as using Outlook/Google Calendar sub-calendars, right?
While color-coding is a great first step, nope!
At first glance, calendars using them may look the same. Both show different parts of your calendar in different colors.
But sub-calendars take that visual clarity to a whole new level.⠀
I love this distinction between color-coding and sub-calendars because it highlights a major goal of mine: my goal is NOT just to have you walk away with a pretty calendar. If so, let’s just color-code it and call it a day.
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How do you actually take a vacation in a way that’s enjoyable and minimizes the stress associated with pre- and post-work surge? Here are 9 steps to planning and preparing for a vacation you can actually enjoy.
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LOVE these strategies?
Want to learn the full Bright Method, a system designed for working women that reduces stress and ups your peace of mind when it comes to managing it all (personal and professional)?
Want to focus on email first?
Spending too much time in your email inbox? You’re not alone. Check out my short’n’sweet, self-paced email management course to help you reclaim control over your inbox.
Realistic time management designed for professional working women
I'm a former big law attorney who got overwhelmed as a first year and slowly pieced together a time/task management system that actually reduced my stressed, helped me stay on top of it all (and know it), feel confident drawing boundaries, and soak in time with my family and friends. I'd love to get you there, too.
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